Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Q & A of Smoothies

Question: Do I eat just fruits and veggies for the entire 30 days?
Answer: No way!


As you know from our first email, you don't just drink green smoothies during the challenge. You can eat regular meals too. Woohoo!

Just by drinking green smoothies daily without even changing your regular diet, you are moving in the right direction towards healthy eating. Our challenge is that simple.

But if you're looking for a little more guidance when it comes to what else you should be eating while you're gulping the greens, we suggest you eat real food that is free of processed sugars and ingredients. If you can't pronounce it, don't eat it.

If you would like, you can replace one or two meals with green smoothies. If you drink green smoothies as meal replacements, make sure to add a protein boost and healthy fats to complete your meal (plant-based protein powder, nut milk, nut butter). Or you can snack on some nuts or a hard-boiled egg 30-60 minutes after you drink your green smoothie. This will keep you satisfied throughout the day.
Peace, love and leafy greens,

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