Monday, October 7, 2013

Mindfully Managing Your Diabetes

Mindfully Managing Your Diabetes


Diabetes can be a difficult thing to live with, but by mindfully managing your diabetes, you’re more likely to relieve stress and stay healthier longer.

Living with diabetes can be a challenge. But it certainly doesn’t have to define your lifestyle. With some simple tips, managing your diabetes may just be easier than you think.
Stress levels tend to rise depending on how active you are. For diabetics, that can become a challenge. Living with diabetes involves constant management of anxiety, pressure and unfavorable situations as they can adversely affect your blood glucose levels. Stress not only increases glucose levels, but it can also result in risky health choices like failing to sustain a healthy diet or not exercising – two key components when managing diabetes according to My Healing Kitchen.
So, one of the best ways to relieve stress in a way that manages diabetes is through “Mindfulness Meditation,” a form of meditation where you maintain an intense concentration on the present through focused breathing. In other words, you practice to live in the moment, rather than dwell on the past or fret about the future.
According to My Healing Kitchen’s article “Meditation Manages Diabetes,” studies have shown that mindfulness meditation can be especially useful for diabetics. It allows you to be keenly aware of your decisions by designating time for a thorough assessment of your actions before actually acting on them. It can also help improve sleeping patterns and keep you in tune with your eating habits thus eliminating the likelihood of sleep deprivation or binge eating that often comes with chronic stress disorders

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