Thursday, July 18, 2013

4 Exercises for Getting Rid of Cellulite

Cellulite is a HOT topic, not because anyone wants it of course, but because many of us have it!
After about 3 weeks of decreasing weight training to 3 times a week with basically zero cardio, and not being as strict with my nutrition – I BEGAN TO GET CELLULITE!
Yup, it’s true. But the best part is it only took me 2 WEEKS of eating well (90% of the time) and getting back to my regular routine of weight training 4-5 times as week and cardio 3-4 times a week to get rid of it.
The keys to getting rid of cellulite is to rid your body of toxins which accumulate under the skin AND using your BUTT. That’s right, using your glutes is perhaps the most important part of the “getting rid of cellulite” equation.
Firming up the skin around your glutes can be accomplished with exercises that build muscle which will tighten the skin.

Here are 4 exercises I did twice a week to firm up my glutes
best glute exercises

What is cellulite?
Cellulite is a description of  a skin change that occurs more often in females than males. It is thought that 80-90% of females have cellulite. THAT’S MASSIVE! There are some hormonal factors, genetic factors, diet factors and lifestyle factors contributing to this. However, the only 2 methods I have seen work, not only for me, but also for MANY other women and they are:
1. Diet
2. Exercise
Cellulite occurs when the fat-storing compartments become over-full and rigid, causing the compartments to be unable to hold access fat. With age, there is a loss of tone and thickness in the connective tissue in the fat layer of the skin (dermis) causing cellulite to occur.

Eating whole foods without any processing is important to beating or preventing cellulite. Cutting out all refined foods, such as sugar, bleached flours, anything containing wheat and gluten will clear the body of toxins.

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