Monday, May 20, 2013


Athletes train differently than those in the general population.

They develop the leanest, most muscular and aesthetically pleasing bodies in the world. This group represents about 1% of the global population.
The rest of us can train like athletes, but you must ask yourself whether your body is ready for the physical stress that is required to achieve such a lean physique.
Nutrition is the number-one focus when one sets a goal to accomplish weight loss and fat loss.
Exercising is very important, but exercise alone won’t provide the results you want if you maintain a lousy diet and fail to consider basic calorie tracking.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to achieve the results that you are looking for.
The amount of cardio required might be different during your peak phase, and your cardio efforts should decrease when your focus is on the hypertrophy phases.
Before you get to the point of cardio or hypertrophy training, you need to ensure that your body’s viscera is functioning and muscles are stabilizing correctly.
We live in an environment where we sit more then we move our bodies, and we must adjust accordingly. Professional therapists treat forward-headed body postures, internally rotated shoulders, and a posterior tilt of the hip more often today. All of these positions can cause pain in the neck, shoulders, upper back, lower back, hips, and knees. Add poor nutrition and loss of motility and mobility in the viscera, and you can easily experience a loss of optimum function.

Stay focused and expect results.
Kind regards,

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