Friday, December 21, 2012

Star of Bethlehem

Today's message is about the Bach flower remedy Star of Bethlehem
(Ornithogalum umbellatum).

It had to be Star of Bethlehem on the Friday before Christmas, didn't it?
Star of Bethlehem is an important remedy because it releases shock and trauma.  Most of us have had shocking experiences in our lives that have been difficult to process. The shock remains in our system at a cellular level until we find a way to heal it.
Energetically what happens is that any shocking or traumatic experience short-circuits our system, so the current of life is unable to flow through us. We are therefore unable to fully access our life force and will feel a sense of soul loss until the trauma is released.
Many people needing Star of Bethlehem feel cold or numb, as though deadened in some way. Star of Bethlehem brings you back to life, awakening your life force and natural ability to heal.
Star of Bethlehem is one of the ingredients in the world famous Rescue Remedy (also known as Revival Remedy and 5 Flower Remedy) because it works instantly to support you through shock and trauma. Take it as soon as something shocking happens like getting bad news or seeing an accident and you will feel much better.
Although it works quickly it also reaches deep into the past, restoring comfort after shock or trauma from long ago.
If you've ever experienced physical trauma like accidents or surgery then Star of Bethlehem will boost your body's natural ability to heal. 
If you've ever experienced emotional trauma like bereavement or abuse then Star of Bethlehem will bring soul-deep comfort.
Star of Bethlehem contains the soul medicine of comfort, reviving your spirits and reassuring you that all is well.

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