Thursday, December 27, 2012


A to Z - Medicinal Properties of Ingredients - CABBAGE

Urban Remedy's Tummy Soother Cleanse features a Cabbage Patch juice, which strengthens digestion and supports stomach function! For more information, check it out here:

Cabbage is high in potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure, promotes a steady heartbeat, and can lower your risk of stroke.
What else is great about cabbage?

- Cabbage is high in sulfur and vitamin C content.
- It contains vitamin U, which is used to treat ulcers.
-Uncooked Cabbage is high in glutamine, an amino acid that is essential for intestinal health.
- Bok Choy and Chinese Cabbage are highest in calcium.
- Cabbage contains quercetin, an antioxidant that is a natural antihistamine that can benefit allergy sufferers.
- Cabbage juice can be used to treat stomach ulcers and help stop any bleeding.
- A chemical (isothiocyanates) found in cabbages may lower the risk of lung cancer in smokers by as much as 38%.

Cabbage is a perfectly warming, sweet and spicy vegetable, making it simple to incorporate into almost any dish (soups, salads, rice dishes, curry and much more).

Fun fact: Egyptian pharaohs would eat large quantities of cabbage before a night of drinking as they believed that cabbage consumption would allow them to drink more alcoholic beverages and not feel the effects. This is perhaps why many still consider cabbage with vinegar as a good hangover remedy.

Check out our Tummy Soother cleanse for juices with cabbage and other aids to digestive stresses, heart burn and ulcers:

Recipe for Creamy Cabbage Soup:
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 medium onion, chopped
1 russet potato, peeled and grated
3/4 pound cabbage (about 1/2 medium head), cored and shredded
Salt to taste
5 cups water, chicken stock or vegetable stock
1 Parmesan rind
Freshly ground pepper to taste
2 cups low-fat milk
1 cup grated Gruyère cheese
For garnish:
6 1/2-inch thick slices of French or country bread, toasted and cut into small squares
Minced fresh chives

1. Heat the oil over medium heat in a large, heavy soup pot. Add the onion and cook, stirring, until tender, about 5 minutes. Add the grated potato, the shredded cabbage and 1/2 teaspoon salt. Stir together for a minute, taking care that the potatoes don’t stick to the pot, and add the water or stock, the Parmesan rind and salt and pepper to taste. Bring to a simmer, cover and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes, until the vegetables are tender.

2. Add the milk to the soup. Stir to combine well and heat through without boiling. A handful at a time, stir the Gruyère into the soup and continue to stir until the cheese has melted. Taste and adjust seasonings. Remove the Parmesan rind. Serve, garnishing each bowl with a handful or toasted croutons and a sprinkling of minced chives.

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