Monday, September 23, 2013

Challenge Fear Through the Solar Plexus Chakra

Then the Seer abides in His own Nature. ~The Yoga Sutras I:3


Solar Plexus Chakra: Manipura (Sanskrit)
Meaning: Lustrous Gem
Element: Fire
Function: Will/Power
Color: Yellow
Sense: Sight
Seed Sound: Ra
Affirmations: I am enough; I fully step into my power; I trust my intuition and inner wisdom; There are no failures because I learn and grow with each experience
Yoga Poses: All twisting poses such as revolved triangle (parivrtta trikonasa) and revolved side angle (parivrtta parsvakonasana);  All core poses such as boat pose (navasana)
Our theme for April is Kali (Fear). Kali dances into our lives to help us face our fears. In yoga, challenging our fears comes to us through our solar plexus chakra, our third chakra. In Sanskrit it is called Manipura and translates as lustrous gem. Our solar plexus chakra is located below the sternum, underneath the diaphragm and governs our self-worth, personal power, and decision making capabilities. It is here, in our third chakra, that we begin to challenge old beliefs, fear, and self-doubt. It is here that we begin to transform and connect to our inner most authentic Self.

When our third chakra is open, we are connected to our worth. We embrace and celebrate who we are. We no longer seek approval from external sources. We no longer sacrifice our own needs in order to please others. We are able to step into the truth of who we are, without fear of rejection, failure, or success. We recognize that they are all part of the natural process of life, that it is not personal.

When our third chakra is closed, we freely give our power away to the first person who will take it. We second guess ourselves, our worth, and whether or not we have anything to offer the world. We operate from fear. We become closed off and protected. We continue to seek approval and guidance from those around us instead of listening to our internal guide.
Opening our solar plexus chakra helps us challenge the, sometimes, many fears that consume us. Twists and core work, wearing yellow and repeating the chakra seed sound are a few ways to open the flow through the solar plexus chakra and challenge your fear. When we connect to the truth of who we are, we are able to more authentically connect to our gifts and share them with those around us.

This week begin to watch in which circumstances you give your power away. Is it when you think someone is more educated than you… social situations…gender…? How does that make you feel? Where do you feel it, physically, in your body? Are you able to say no? What is one action step you could take to begin to say no to the activities that drain you? Do you love and appreciate yourself? What would it take for you to whole-heartedly accept yourself?


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