Monday, September 30, 2013

Revealing Your Mask

Are you being true to yourself? Do you wear a mask showing the world one attitude when you really are feeling another? Honor your feelings. It’s okay to admit the truth and be truly honest with yourself. Be authentic and be you! If you find you are in a negative space then admit it and slowly accept where you are in that moment. When you reveal the “True You,” everything begins to feel lighter and easier, and you slowly begin to have this warm feeling in your heart. This feeling then allows you to start feeling happier. What mask(s) are you revealing to the world? Here are some tips to help:
Tips to help you feel better:
  1. Acknowledge you’re upset
  2. Write and/or talk it out (talking it out can be aloud to yourself)
  3. After it’s out and stated, state your positive thought (affirmation) about yourself (could be anything from a physical feature to something you’ve done in the past that you feel good about)
  4. Now say aloud and/or write down four more
  5. Take a walk and/or exercise (change where you are. Even getting up and moving, going to the kitchen for a glass of water is helpful)
  6. Slice up an apple and savor each bite and/or eat a piece of dark chocolate (dark chocolate releases serotonin and dopamine, making you happy with feelings of being in love…fighting depression)
  7. Turn on a great tune that you love (go with how you feel and your mood)
  8. Call a friend and bitch for a minute. But I caution you not to do it for too long. You don’t want to fester in it. You just want to get it out of your body. Then move past it by breaking into a laugh (laughter changes everything).
  9. If you’re not smiling at this point, fake it. Fake it till you make it.
  10. Feeeeeeeeeel FAITH and LOVE and remember to BREATHE!
 I hope these tips have helped you to start feeling better. When we feel better, it’s really easy to let the real you shine through. Now take off that mask, lighten up and reveal the true you to the world. The world is waiting…

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