Friday, August 30, 2013

Valerie Waters' Fast Track to Fit Workout

Utilizing the same method she practices with her clients, this fast-and-effective circuit workout will ignite your metabolism, torch tons of calories, and sculpt lean muscle—all in about 30 minutes.

Tony Horton
Valerie Waters sculpts rockin' bods in record time.
Her signature six-week Red Carpet Ready programs are based on an accelerated three- to six-exercise circuit that moves so fast you don't know what hit you. It's Valerie's "get in, get out, and get on with your life" approach that has helped shape up celebrities such as Jennifer Garner, Jessica Biel, and Cindy Crawford, not to mention the millions of women who have tried her Valslides—portable foam-and-plastic disks used to do controlled sliding moves that help tone and slim your abs, thighs, and butt.
Here's the workout she designed exclusively for WH.

Valerie Waters
Circuit 1: Side-to-Side Hops with Resistance Band
Place a 9-12-inch resistance band around your ankles, with your feet wide enough apart to feel the tension in the band, and get into a squat position (a). Hop to the left, leading with your left foot and then following with the right (b). That’s one rep. Quickly hop back to the starting position, leading with your right leg and following with your left. Continue alternating at a quick pace until you’ve completed 20 reps to each side.

Valerie Waters
Circuit 1: Valslide Reverse Lunge with Ball Lift
Note: If you don’t have Valslides, you can use small hand towels on hard wood floors, or pick up a pair at
Holding a 5-lb. medicine ball or dumbbell with both hands between your legs, stand with you feet hip-width apart, right foot on a Valslide. Slide your right foot behind you and lower your body until your left knee is bent about 90 degrees (a). As you push through the left foot and slide your right foot forward to return to standing, raise both hands overhead (b).Lower your arms. That’s one rep. Do 12 reps, then repeat on the other side.

Valerie Waters
Circuit 1: Squat and Row with Resistance Band
Loop a resistance band around a sturdy object at chest height. Grab a handle with each hand and back away from the object until there’s no slack in the band. Hold the handles with your arms extended in front of you as you sit back into a squat position (a). As you stand up, pull your elbows back and squeeze your shoulder blades together (b). Return to the starting position. That’s one rep. Do 15. 

Valerie Waters
Circuit 1: Valslide Mountain Climber
Start in a pushup position with your arms directly under your shoulders and a Valslide under each foot (a). Brace your core, then slide your right knee toward your chest, keeping your back flat (b). Slide back to start. That’s one rep. Repeat on the other side and continue alternating until you’ve completed 20 total reps on each side

Valerie Waters
After you've completed circuit 1 three times, move on to circuit 2. Circuit 2: Valslide Side Lunge with Chest Press
Hold a 5-lb. medicine ball or dumbbell with both hands at chest height, elbows bent and close to your body, and stand with your feet hip-width apart with a Valslide under your right foot. Keeping your right leg straight, slide it to the right, then bend your left knee and sit back into a side lunge (a). Press into your left foot and slide your right foot back to return to standing, while pushing the ball out in front of you (b). Return to the start position. That's one rep. Do 15 reps, then repeat on the other side.
Valerie Waters
Circuit 2: Forward Lunge and Fly with Resistance Band
Loop the resistance band around a sturdy object at chest height. With your back to the object, grab a handle in each hand and step forward until there’s no slack in the band. Stand with your feet together and knees slightly bent, then raise your arms to shoulder height, palms facing away from you, so that your body forms a T (a). In one motion, step forward with your left leg, bend your left knee, and press the handles towards each other in front of your chest, keeping your arms straight (b). Return to the starting position. That’s one rep. Repeat on the other leg and continue alternating until you’ve completed 15 reps on each side.

Valerie Waters
Circuit 2: Bruce Lee Kick
Stand to the left of a chair or study object, your feet hip-width apart and both hands placed lightly on the chair. Shift your weight onto your right leg, bend at the waist, and pull your left knee up toward your chest (a). Quickly extend your left leg, pushing through your heel and contracting your left glute (b). Reverse the movement to return to start, lowering your left leg back to the floor. That’s one rep. Do 15, then repeat on the other side

Valerie Waters
Circuit 2: Valslide One-Arm Slide
Start in a pushup position, feet hip-width apart and a Valslide under each hand. Your body should form a straight line from head to heel (a). Keeping your core engaged and your hips square to the ground, slowly slide your left hand six inches in front of you (b), then slide it back. That’s one rep. Repeat on the right side and continue alternating until you’ve completed 12 reps on each side.

Val's Top Tips:
1. Make every second count. When I'm training Jennifer [Garner], it's one move after another—no resting. That keeps her heart rate up so that she's burning tons of calories during the entire strength-training workout.
2. Lunge, lunge, lunge! The best move to tone your butt and thighs is the reverse lunge. It protects your knees more than the regular lunge, but still recruits all the muscles from your glutes to your toes. Try one: Step back with one leg and bend both knees until your front thigh is parallel to the floor. Pause, then push back to start. Increase the challenge by holding a pair of light dumbbells.
3. Learn to row. If you want a lean, graceful look, you need to do more than just curls and pushups. Seated or bent-over rows are great for getting you into that strapless dress fast. They'll sculpt your arms and tone your middle and upper back.
4. Whip out a measuring tape. Don't rely on the scale to gauge your progress—it's not the best barometer of meaningful change. Working out will replace fat with muscle (which is heavier), so your weight may not budge while you drop a jeans size. Every four to six weeks, measure your waist and thighs to track shrinkage.

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