Friday, June 14, 2013

The 7 P’s to Winning

winning tag cloud The 7 Ps to Winning

I used to have a mentor who taught me a great deal.  He  hipped me to the 7 P’s to winning in life and business.   These tips are simple, but important.  They have helped me maintain my focus.
  1. Prayer.  Take time to pray everyday.  You need faith to suceed.  When others doubt your abilities, you need to strengthen your faith through prayer and expect that your prayers will be answered.
  1. Positive.  You must have a positive mental attitude.  You can’t let negative situations change your positive attitude.  If you find yourself in the midst of a negative situation, you need to either change it, or remove yourself from the situation before it consumes you.
  1. Personal Growth/Development.  You must invest in yourself and be committed to changing your mindset.   Personal development will ultimately increase your net worth because people will see the change in you.  Take training to develop your skills and read personal development books.  You will begin to attract like-minded people to your network marketing business.
  1. Position.  Make sure that you position yourself for greatness.  Ensure that everything is in order for your forthcoming success. This includes doing  the little things that you may not feel like doing to reach your main goal.
  1. Production.  Production yields income  Make sure that your production is constantly growing.  Work where you are deserved, not where you are needed.
  1. Pay Attention.  Pay attention to the small details.  Don’t take anything for granted.  Small educational nuggets may be life-changing.
  1. Politics.  Nip politics in the bud.   Politics will cause “stinkin thinkin” that will kill your goals and dreams.

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