Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Boost Your Energy in 3 Easy Ways


Want more energy? Well, who doesn’t, really. Duh. If there is one thing that clients all have in common when they come to see me, it’s their desire to increase their energy.
While there are lots of ways to boost energy, here are a few simple ones you can start working into your life right away. These methods provide long-term results, giving you increased energy for your life, not just one day or a couple of hours.

1. Watch what you’re drinking.

Caffeine/coffee/sugar = instant gratification. But like all things working and fighting for in life, taking the (seemingly) easy and instant shortcut are only short-term solutions that leave you feeling worse after they’ve run their course. Instant gratification isn’t really satisfying or lasting for the long-term, is it? Depend on these entities for too long and you could end up overtaxing your adrenal glands, which—guess what—makes you feel exhausted, and imbalances your body. An imbalanced body is even more energy-depleted.
Get your long-lasting energy first thing in the morning from the Glowing Green Smoothie (GGS), a blend of fruits and vegetables and lemon juice. It provides the vitamins and minerals you need to kickstart your day, plus fiber to keep you full until your next meal and prevent a blood sugar spike. Even if you still drink some coffee, by incorporating the GGS you are adding something good and positive into your life, and naturally less favorable habits will start to be pushed away.
If you’re an afternoon coffee drinker, have some more of your Glowing Green Smoothie (try the papaya version for summer!) . You can also check out my Energy in a Spoon recipe, enjoy my Cauliflower Energy Soup, or give spirulina or chlorella a try. There’s so much chlorophyll in the spirulina and chlorella, you’ll get tons of energy (and vitamins and minerals!). Who needs caffeine or a candy bar? Nobody! Not with these delicious alternatives.water for energy
Why is water a miracle drink when it comes to how much energy you have? When you’re dehydrated, your body can’t flush out the toxins that are hanging out in your cells and weighing you down, causing you to feel anything but perky. Even mild dehydration actually makes you tired. A few alcoholic beverages or skimping on the water-containing foods can dehydrate you just enough to make you feel more tired than usual, even if you feel like you’ve been drinking the same amount of water as usual. So drink up, fresh, clean water. I tote around my stainless steel water bottle (minimize chemical and BPA-containing plastic water bottles, like the one the lovely lady in this picture is drinking from!).

2. Just be still.

Slowing down, even for a few minutes per day, to either sit still and meditate or practice yoga, can do so much to restore your mind. When your mind is running at a rapid pace all day, springing from thought to thought and never stopping so you can just collect yourself, you get not only mentally meditationtired, but physically tired, too. If you’re holding stress in your body and tensing even a percentage of your muscles, it’s actually exhausting.
I can personally attest to the fact that if I did not practice yoga and meditate at least twice a day I would be a stressball. I don’t know how I would be able to function with all the stuff I’m juggling, and I know you juggle also. Let us juggle together with grace and serenity! Both meditation and yoga can make you feel more refreshed instantly, but the results are longer-lasting than that if you practice regularly. Yoga has been shown to increase efficiency, create feelings of well-being and relaxation, and more. You’ll retrain your mind to deal with stress more efficiently and feel the mental and physical effects of stress much less often.
A study (great isn’t it, that the Western researchers are nodding their approval to these ancient practices) even showed that mindfulness cut down on the amount of fatigue patients with muscular sclerosis experienced. The Mayo Clinic says “yoga brings together physical and mental disciplines to achieve peacefulness of body and mind, helping you relax and manage stress and anxiety.” Learning to manage your stress will boost your energy levels and the calmer you become day to day, the less the little things will stress you out and steal your energy. Some of the issues that seem so intimidating now will become easy to handle, so it’ll be like lightening your burden.
Your practice can be as simple as starting the day with a few deep breaths before you reach for your cell phone. Or taking a few minutes when you get home from work to throw your legs up the wall and let the stress drain out of you. You deserve it, to put some of your energy into keeping your body and mind clear and unburdened. If you are looking for more precise and scientific meditation techniques, check out my Guru Paramahansa Yogananda’s Kriya yoga practices.

3. Pair Your Foods Properly and Get More Magnesium in Your Diet

Okay. So you get more than one tip in this section, but they all tie together. Bonus! Try them one at a time or all at the same time to see what works for you.
One of the major things you can do to boost your energy is stop pairing heavy foods together; this will give you better digestion and more Beauty Energy. Keep your meals simple, and cut down on how many concentrated elements there are per meal. Better digestion leads to better absorption of the nutrients you take in (like magnesium, which I’ll talk about in a second). I outline all of the Beauty Rules for food pairing in detail in The Beauty Detox Solution, but that’s a good place to start.
The Beauty Detox Solution teaches you how to properly combine your fruits, vegetable, starches, and proteins for optimal nutrition, energy, and yes, beauty, so you’ll feel light and vibrant all day without the need for any stimulants like caffeine or energy drinks.health food choices
While you’re tweaking your meals, be sure you’re eating foods rich in magnesium, like leafy greens (especially Swiss chard, with 29 mg per cup, raw, and spinach, with 24 mg per cup, raw), tempeh, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, Brazil nuts, millet, and quinoa. If you’re deficient in magnesium, your likelihood of feeling fatigued even after a good night’s sleep is increased.
The National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements says women and men between the ages of 19 and 31 need 310 and 400 mg of magnesium per day, respectively, and women and men ages 31 and up need 320 and 420 mg of magnesium every day . A study in The Journal of Nutrition found that postmenopausal women with magnesium deficiencies needed to use more energy and oxygen to complete physical tasks.
For even better results, make sure you eat Light to Heavy all day long. Nothing’s going to rob you of your Beauty Energy and make you want to crash before the day is done like a super heavy midday meal (siesta anyone?). Keep your meals balanced and again, simple.
So that’s it! Be conscious of your beverages- hydrate and work away from consuming too much caffeine; meditate or do yoga to manage stress; and eat your greens, nuts, grains, and seeds.
May you be blessed with abundant energy, always, in all parts of your life.
Love, Kimberly

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