Friday, June 14, 2013

12 Changes During a 60 Day Juice Fast

12 Changes I Experienced During My 60 Day Juice Fast

by Nicole Graves on May 19, 2013
focus and mental clarity 12 Changes I Experienced During My 60 Day Juice Fast
If you have been following me on Facebook then you know that at the beginning of May I finished a 60 day juice fast.  During my juice fast, I consumed only fresh juices, water, coconut water, teas, and an occasional vegetable broth.  I had completed juice fasts before, but they were much shorter.  This particular juice fast was amazing;  I still feel the effects of the fast today.  Here are twelve changes I experienced during my 60 day juice fast:
  1. Increased energy.  After my first week of the juice fast, and the hardcore detox symptoms began to subside, my energy levels went through the roof!  I was able to continue my regular workouts and add Bikram yoga to my routine.
  2. I slept like a baby.  At the end of each day I slept more sound than ever and woke up feeling well rested and refreshed every day. I was able to function with less sleep and still woke up feeling alert.
  3. Increased focus.  At around 20 days into the fast, I was able to focus on tasks with very little effort.  I was able to work longer periods of time without being distracted. 
  4. Increased mental clarity.  My mind was sharp, clear, and alert.  I literally felt like I could catch a fly with my bare hands!  I felt like I had super powers.  It was this feeling that I enjoyed most during the fast
  5. Increased creativity.  At about day 40 I started feeling incredibly creative.  I would wake up with ideas for juicing books, new products, and ideas about blog articles.  I had dreams about new creative ideas.  Creativity flowed easily and freely.
  6. Conquered my desire for ALL sweets.  I had a pretty big sweet tooth, and at about half way into the fast, I had NO cravings for sweets whatsoever.  I still have no desire to have them and can easily turn them down.
  7. Serene and peaceful feeling.  I felt relaxed even in stressful situations.  I stopped fussing at my kids. icon smile 12 Changes I Experienced During My 60 Day Juice Fast
  8. Complete shift in thinking.  I have always enjoyed a good motivational book, but I developed an intense desire to start reading different types of books like Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer and Marianne Williamson.
  9. Became extremely conscious about what I would consider eating.  I think twice before eating something and I notice its effects on my body almost immediately.  I have noticed that I prefer a raw food alternative to a cooked alternative if it is available to me.  I won’t touch a soda or processed juice.  I’d rather remain thirsty.  After all what’s the point of a detox, if you are just going to retox again.
  10. Lost weight.  My body released weight naturally, taking me down several pants sizes.
  11. Developed an extreme discipline.  I was extremely focused on my goal of completing the fast, at about half way through, nothing could cause me to waiver.
  12. In general I felt like I could accomplish anything.  It felt like that anything that I set my sights on was within reach.  Isn’t that the way it supposed to be?

Overall, I restored my mental sharpness, re-energized, and increased my creativity in 60 days and it feels great!

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