Tuesday, February 5, 2013

9 Benefits of Barley Green Grass

Bodybuilders and body transformers are often confronted with getting adequate protein to build muscles and cleansing their bodies of toxic wastes. They do this with veggie juices and exercising. Veggie juices are great in providing proteins, vitamins and minerals as well. Barley grass juice powder is a fantastic addition that can load a smoothie with amino acids and other valuable nutrients.
You may be wondering – what is this grass stuff?  Barley grass, similar to green veggies, is the same that cattle eat. But the difference between cattle and people digesting grass is that our stomachs digest juice instead of whole fiber grass.  Barley grass has many benefits and offers quite a bit of nutrition per serving.

barley green grass
  1. Source of superior protein that aids in muscle recovery and growth.
  2. It contains chlorophyll that cleanses body of toxic wastes.
  3. It has the enzyme superoxidase dismutase [ SOD ] that energizes and keeps you young!
  4. Boosts your immunity and helps to heal the body.
  5. Balances alkalinity in your body.
  6. Helps you lose weight.
  7. Prevents chronic diseases and disorders.
  8. Helps eliminate cravings for junk and processed foods.
  9. Has lots of fiber to keep your colon healthy and working properly.
When in a rush, just mix a teaspoon in a glass of water, orange juice or smoothie, stir and drink twice a day!
Research says that most people are not eating enough vegetables these days. Adding in Barley Green Grass to our veggie smoothie will help add tons of vitamins and minerals that your body needs.
Here’s something else to consider — all barley grasses are not the same.  So do your homework.  Without good information, it is difficult to make good decisions about buying and using a great supplement.  Check for more information.  http://www.freegrab.net/barley_green_grass.htm

Walter Sorochan
Emeritus Professor: San Diego State University
Walter Sorochan Bio and Pic
Retired Professor Health Education and Public health
San Diego State University

1 comment:

  1. With the 45% amount of protein you can get from Barley grass juice, this can be a great alternative juice for a bodybuilder or a body transformer. And the other additional nutritional benefits you can get from it will make you even healthier. I think this is one of the most beneficial cereal grain ever discovered. ->Erlinda Lilly
