Thursday, August 29, 2013

Took The Acidic Test

Your Body Acidity Assessment Report
Created for: Monica
Date created: 2013-08-29 11:39:00
Assessment ID: 521f6aeff137a
Link to assessment:

Section 1: Your current diet & state of health

Monica, you indicated with your responses that you experience...

- Clear or slightly yellow colored urine
- I feel tired especially after my meals
- I often suffer from stomach ache
- I have difficulties moving my bowels daily

Now here are my thoughts based on the information you provided...

Based on the responses, your current body's pH level is acidic.

The fact that your body is acidic means that your body is highly at risk. Not only your body tends to gain weight and fats easily, but your health can be in jeopardy.

The responses you have indicated are just a few of the symptoms of someone who has an acidic pH level. And you can say that obesity is also one of the leading symptoms of an acidic body.

As the pH level of your body is acidic, be extremely careful of what you eat right now... If you still neglect your diet and lifestyle now, you might be highly at risk to deadly diseases and even cancer.

Dr Otto Warburg, who was awarded the prestigious Nobel Prize for his study in cancer, said that “every single person who has cancer has a pH that is too acidic.”

Having an acidic body will cause an increase in free radicals in your body. Free radicals are atoms or groups of atoms with an odd (unpaired) number of electrons and can be formed when oxygen interacts with certain molecules.

The chief danger comes from the damage when free radicals react with important cellular components such as DNA, or the cell membrane. Cells may function poorly or die if this occurs. Free radicals are also molecules responsible for aging and tissue damage.

The fact that you feel tired after your meals means that your diet is the reason why your body is acidic and gaining excessive weight. The truth is the diet that most Americans consume is extremely unhealthy and is the #1 reason behind America being the world’s #1 obese and sick state.

In addition, based on your response, your digestive system might not be functioning at an optimal level that a healthy body should function. It might seem like a minor health issue, but the truth is your digestive system is extremely important for your health and even weight loss. The digestive system helps to break down the food we eat so that its nutrients can be absorbed into our bodies.

Digestive problems like stomach ache & constipation are symptoms that indicate you should take care of your digestive system. Besides cutting down on alcohol, caffeine and sugary drink like soda, but you should also watch your diet.

Section 2: What can I do to lose fat?

Monica, you indicated with your responses that...

- I often suffer from stomach ache
- I have difficulties moving my bowels daily
- I suffer from frequent aches and pains
- I suffer from excessive hair loss

Now here are my thoughts based on the information you provided...

It's very common for clients to come to us, talking about what they eat and how they are eating. And they were shocked when we told them some of the foods they are eating are making them fat.

Why are they shocked? It's because textbooks, and the mainstream media influenced them to think that those foods are healthy, but truth is the food industry has been manipulating these information.

The 1st step is to know exactly what foods to eat and not to eat, to not only help them to lose weight, but also rejuvenate their body, boost the immune system and make them more energized..

What I suggest you to do is to keep a food journal. Write down everything you eat each day.

Then, you can either send it to me or show it to a nutritionist to analyze your food intake for you. The good news is, with a detailed analysis from a good nutritionist, you are able to lose weight naturally and get the body you desire..

With a food journal, your nutritionist can easily point out to you essential nutrients that are missing in your diet and advise you what foods to eat.

Secondly, as you are suffering from frequent aches and pains & hair loss problems, your diet might be deprived of the essential nutrients which is important to alkalize your body and lose weight naturally.

Including rich and natural antioxidant foods every day can be very beneficial to your body. Antioxidants are nature's way of fighting off dangerous free radicals in your body. Even though some fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants, the true abundant sources of antioxidants are only found in certain rare superfoods.

But the problem is most people do not even consume at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables, let alone sufficient antioxidants for the body.

If you are looking for a rich source of antioxidants and a wide variety of essential nutrients that your body requires to lose fat, you can watch this video presentation created by a renowned nutritionist, Laura Lindsey, on the 5 Superfoods that Revitalize your Body and Boost Your Immune System.

These 5 superfoods will ensure that you have adequate nutrients even if you consume less than 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day.

Section 3: Here’s what you should do next -

1) You can start recording down the foods you have eaten, starting from yesterday and today - your breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner. Categorize into vegetables, fruits, grains, meat, condiments, drinks, nuts and seeds, sweeteners and fats.

2) You should definitely WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW on the 5 Superfoods that Alkalize Your Body, Accelerate Your Fat Loss and Boost Your Immune System...

3) Check your email as we are going to send you more information-packed Alkaline Newsletters and tips to lose weight naturally and alkalize your body!

After Reading Your Assessment, Click 'Play' Below To Discover the 5 Superfoods that Alkalize Your Body...

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Link to test:
My best wishes to your health,
Emma Deangela

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