Monday, August 26, 2013

How to Get Abs

How to Get Abs
I get asked almost everyday how to “get abs”. It’s important to realize that we all “have abs”! It’s just that those with higher body fat percentages will not be able to see them. But not to fear, I’ll give you the tools you need to unveil those beautiful abs of yours! =)
The general shape of your abs (deep, shallow, crooked, etc) is largely determined by genetics. You CAN however further develop the muscle through resistance training like my Killer Ab Workout!
With that being said, there is no abdominal exercise (not even 1000s of crunches) that can whittle away belly fat specifically. You cannot pick and choose where your body loses fat, it happens systematically all over. This applies to all other trouble spots as well (legs, butt, hips, arms, etc). There are also no magical pills, potions or gadgets when it comes to losing body fat… just good old-fashioned hard work!
In order to lose the fat on your abs (or any other body part), you must lower your OVERALL body fat percentage. You can do this by following these 6 tips:
  1. Eat clean (“Abs are made in the kitchen”) Avoid processed, packaged crap, junk food like chips, crackers, cookies, fast food, frozen dinners, white breads and pastas, sauces, marinades, dressings, pastries, fruit juices, candy and fried foods. Stick to natural, wholesome lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, fruits and veggies! You can check out my Healthy Eating Grocery List for great food choices!
  2. Drink plenty of water (I have a gallon a day) this aids the fat-burning process and helps reduce bloat.
  3. Get enough sleep. The hormone cortisol is elevated when you don’t get enough sleep which can cause your body to retain body fat (belly fat especially).
  4. Avoid stress when possible (again… that pesky cortisol hormone is elevated when you become stressed)
  5. Incorporate both cardiovascular and resistance training. The more muscle you have on your body, the more calories you burn just by being alive, which makes it easier to lose body fat. Make resistance training an important part of your routine if you don’t already!
  6. Stay patient and positive, this does NOT happen overnight! But you CAN do it if you work hard and stick to it!

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