Friday, August 30, 2013

Mandy Ingber’s Strong and Slim Yoga Sequence

Based on Ingber’s signature hybrid workout, Yogalosophy, this sequence pairs the mind-body power of yoga with the muscle-toning benefits of strength moves to get you great results.

Mandy Ingber is the Makeover Master.Mandy Ingber
It's one of the most legendary celeb transformations of all time: The softer, curvier Jennifer Aniston from the first season of Friends morphed into the lean, sculpted specimen we see today. What happened? She met Mandy Ingber, who turned Jen on to her unique training combo of hard-core cycling and supertoning yoga. Mandy says these two opposing forces of fitness--constant motion and extreme calorie burning at one end, stillness and strengthening at the other--are the keys to unearthing your best body.
Here's the workout she designed exclusively for WH.

Mandy Ingber
Temple Pose
Stand with your feet three to four feet apart, toes and knees turned out, palms together in front of your chest, elbows out. Bend your knees to lower your body until both knees are bent at least 90 degrees Hold for 30 seconds.
Return to start, then complete 10 reps at a quick tempo, holding the lowered position after your last rep. From that position, pulse up one inch and down one inch 10 times.
Without coming out of the pose, press your knees open 10 times. Return to standing. Complete the entire sequence two to three times.

Mandy Ingber
Chair Squat
Stand with your feet together, palms together at your chest, elbows bent (a). Sit your hips back and bend your knees, lowering your body like you’re sitting into a chair, while raising your arms overhead (b). Hold for 30 seconds. Return to start, then complete 10 reps at a quick tempo, holding the down position after your last rep. From that position, pulse up one inch and down one inch 10 times. Hold for a final 30 to 60 seconds. Return to standing. Complete the entire sequence two to three times.
Mandy Ingber
Boat Pose
Sit on the floor with your legs together, knees bent and feet flat on floor. Lean back slightly and straighten your legs to raise them off the floor, until your body forms a V. Extend your arms straight out in front of you at shoulder height, palms facing each other (a). Hold for 30 seconds, keeping your core braced. Return to start, then complete 10 reps at a quick tempo. Then bend your knees so your shins are parallel to the floor. Hold for 30 seconds. Complete the entire sequence two to three times.
Mandy Ingber
Forearm Plank
Starting at the top of a pushup position, bend your elbows and lower yourself down until you can shift your weight from your hands to your forearms. Your body should form a straight line. Brace your abs and hold for 30 seconds. Then lift your left foot one inch off the ground, hold for 30 seconds, then repeat on the right side. Complete the entire sequence two to three times.
Mandy Ingber
Side Plank
Start in a pushup position, then shift your weight onto your left hand and rotate your chest to the right as you raise your right arm toward the ceiling, feet stacked together. Hold for 30 seconds. Shift back to pushup position, do 10 pushups, then repeat on the other side. Return to start and raise your right leg toward the ceiling and hold for 30 seconds. (You can make it easier by bringing your left knee down to the floor, as shown.) Repeat on the other side. Complete the entire sequence two to three times.

Mandy's Top Tips:
1. Do yoga...and then some. It's hard to drop pounds with just yoga. You also need a cardio challenge like cycling to get a huge calorie burn in a short period of time. That's what I did with Jennifer. We added bursts of pedaling and running to peel away the layers, and then did yoga to get her more defined all over.
2. Cycle smarter. Get the most out of every indoor cycling class with these simple adjustments. Keep your weight back and down (hover about an inch or two above the seat), chest up, and shoulders back and down. This ensures that you're targeting the stubborn area where the tops of the hamstrings meet your rear and keeps you from fatiguing your upper body.
3. Embrace the burn. Strive to feel your muscles working. Don't immediately moan at the sensation; relish it and see it as a sign of change.
4. Aim to plie. This is my favorite move for making legs look long and lean. Stand with your toes turned out slightly, palms pressed together in front of your chest. Bend your knees and lower your butt until it's in line with your knees. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds, then plie deeply eight times, followed by eight quick, shallow pulses

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