Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Hot cup of tea and its benefits



There are lots of reasons why I enjoy a hot cup of tea:
I love the aroma of various flavors of tea; holding onto a hot tea mug
warms my hands on a cold winter morning; sipping tea in front of the
fireplace is a great way to relax.
And those are just the feel-good reasons. If you're not drinking tea yet,
read up on these 10 ways tea does your body good and then see
if you're ready to change your Starbucks order

1. Tea contains antioxidants.
2. Tea has less caffeine than coffee.
3. Tea may reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke.
4. Tea protects your bones.
5. Tea gives you a sweet smile. (It contains Floride)
6. Tea bolsters your immune defenses.
7. Tea protects against cancer.
8. Tea helps keep you hydrated.
9. Tea is calorie-free.
10. Tea increases your metabolism.

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