Monday, February 18, 2013

Get Hip to 2013 Fitness Trends

Posted by Healthy Bitch Daily on Feb 18, 2013
Get Hip to 2013 Fitness Trends
OK girls.

It's February, and if you aren’t panicking now, you will be soon.

Spring is just around the corner, and so is that horrifying first time you try on a two-piecewhich inevitably ends with you hitting the bottle during a "Housewives" marathon, sniffling about your size 8.

But before you spend your rent money to laser off that goddamn cellulite that won't stop spreading, we're here to help. We've found some super-fun ways to get in shape, work off the calories and stay motivated. So instead of scrambling to the gym without a clue of what to do, read up and then get your butt moving. Like the saying goes: “New year, new you." Make it happen this time, buttercup.

1. Express Yourself

In this day and age, everyone is on the gono matter who you are, you feel like you have no time for anything, especially exercise (and sex). Well, for all of you excuse makers, you're fucking screwed, because now there is the express workout specifically designed to do everything you need in a fraction of the time. And these workouts can be done right at home, which saves even more time. Here are a few:

10-Minute Trainer: Five DVDs with 10-minute exercises guaranteed to make you love admiring your fine ass. In the time it takes for you to stare at
yourself in the mirror and hate what you see, you could be doing these workouts. NO EXCUSES.

The Firm Express: The latest in The Firm series, these workouts get it done in less time than those retarded soaps you can’t stop watching. If you have time to sit on the phone and bitch about how much you hate your body, you have time for this.

Many gyms now offer express classes, too. Do some research before you run out and join the nearest or cheapest thing.  If you really don’t want to spend money on DVDs or take any free classes at the gym, you can study up on express workouts and do them yourself, either at a gym or at home. There are dozens of exercises just waiting to help you look and feel better.

2. All Work, No Play?

Bullshit. Sorry ladies, but you can’t blame the office anymore. Chances are, your company either has a gym or will pay for your gym membership. If you don’t take advantage of it, you have no one to blame but yourself. And if there is a gym right on your company's campus, then you really have no excuses. Plan your day properly and you will waste no time fitting in a workout. And now that you know how easy express workouts are, you really have no excuses.

3. Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot

Hot yoga and Bikram yoga have been around for a long time but are finally getting the attention they deserve. Why aren’t they getting it from you? Here’s the hot skinny: Hot yoga is usually done in the Vinyasa style, and is usually done at about 90-100 degrees, while Bikram yoga is a very strict set of 26 poses done at a cool 105 degrees. These forms of yoga are amazing for body, mind and spirit, (can you say "sweating out the booze"?) but do your research first. This is serious shit, so know what you're getting yourself into. There is also Moksha yoga, which also follows a specific set of poses, and Corepower yoga. These two are relatively new and offer more options when looking for hot yoga.

4. Excuse Me, I Burpeed

You are not excused! No excuses! Now drop and give me twenty. Burpees, that is. Also known as the squat thrust, or as I like to call them, "reason #1 I hate my trainer." But the truth is, these babies are just about the best thing you can do for your body. They will simultaneously tone you and whittle away the calories. And the cardioholy hell. This is one of the best workouts ever. They will make you hate the entire world for a few minutes, but when you are done you will rule the world. I’m not kidding. There are tons of variations, but the basic premise is very simple. I even found a video of Mike Rowe (from "Dirty Jobs") demonstrating them. And if you don’t want to do them because I tell you to do them, perhaps one of the sexiest men on the planet will motivate you.

5. Old School

Spinning and Zumba, you’re outta here. There is a new sheriff in town. Well, actually an old one. It’s called your body. Yep, that’s all you need. See, one of the great trends of 2013 is going to be good old-fashioned exercise. Like sit ups and push ups. When was the last time you jumped rope? Probably while doing that bizarre Presidential Fitness Test in seventh grade, right? Here’s a tip: Body weight training exercises are one of the best cardio workouts you could possibly get. Anything else is just a helpful prop. Do them at the gym (my gym offers an intense 15-minute ab class every Saturday morning--simple and fast). Or do them at home. There are new variations to keep them interesting and crazy effective (think toning and burning like with burpees). You really don’t need fancy schmancy equipment to be in shape. All you need is you.

Now that you’ve got some ideas, get off the computer and get moving.

What new fitness trend have you tried recently? Tell us in the comments section below!
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Get Hip to 2013 Fitness TrendsEmily Harrison, Guest Blogger
Emily Harrison holds a B.A. in English Literature from Roger Williams University, and is currently working towards her Master’s degree in Holistic Nutrition with the University of Natural Health. Originally from Rhode Island, Emily currently calls St. Louis home where she spends her time playing with her three rescue dogs and writing screenplays. She is, however, making her way to Austin, Texas where she will start her business as a holistic sports nutrition consultant, continue writing screenplays and of course, write for HBD. 

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