Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Raw Mom Club
Dear multi-tasking goddess,

Do you know why I love winter? A lot of it has to do with citrus season :-) I love a freshly squeezed glass of orange juice, which by the way is a great raw food for kids! It fills them up with nutrition and pleases their taste buds too. Win-win! You can even stir a little bit of superfood in it, like flax oil, for added omega 3s, or even some soaked chia seeds. People often think that squeezing oranges takes a lot time, but it's really not true, it won't take you more than 10 minutes if you squeeze enough for 4 people and then clean the citrus juicer!

Another reason why I love winter is... The end of the year! I love taking good resolutions (and following through!) and creating a blank slate for myself. Who cares about the past year and the many things I didn't do? A new year is coming, and it's a new opportunity to do things right.

One thing I love doing is getting my house all shiny and organized so that things flow better. It's true, The Cleanliness and Organization of Your Home is a Direct Reflection of Your Life, Your Health, Your Well-Being and Your Thoughts!

A few days ago, I took the plunge. I signed up for the BE Clean program. Would you like to join me? I will create a BE Cleansection in the Raw Mom Club forum, and we can all discuss the daily e-mails we get and how we applied them to our own lives! This will be so much FUN!! :-)

If you're like me, you've been wanting to hit the “reset” button on your messy drawers and disorganized bathrooms for a while. So, let's all do this together, because doing things alone is sooo much harder.

You can sign up HERE.

Love and disappearing dust bunnies,

Raw Mom Joanna.

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