Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Cheat Days: Use it or Lose It

How to indulge without going overboard--or depriving yourself of what you really want

Cheat Days: Use it or Lose It

The mere thought of a cheat day sends visions of cold Chardonnay and fried food dancing through my head. 

And while you wipe the drool off your face thinking about your own guilty indulgences, let's talk about them: cheat days. When you eat and drink whatever the hell your pretty little heart desires with wild fucking abandon.

Don't even lie and say you don't do it. We all do.

Clean eating isn’t the easiest path. We're tempted by donuts and muffins at the morning coffee shop, snacks at work and, of course, late night munchies. But there is a price for beauty and it's called getting your ass into your clothes. Then again, all work and no play make Jane a total bitch. So what's the compromise? The easiest way to stay on the straight and narrow with your health is to give in to those occasional indulgences. That's right. Eat up, heifer. Here are some strategies to employ if you need a fix:

Cheat Days

A cheat day is just what it sounds like. You get the day to cheat--on your diet, that is. It's usually a good idea to save cheat days for the weekend, when you know you'll want to indulge, but pick your poison. The psychology behind cheat days is this: When you allow yourself a day of pleasure, you don't feel deprived the rest of the week. Sound simple? It is. The key is to keep it to one day, however (easier said than done when your hungover ass wants greasy food after a night of "cheating").

Cheat Meals (Not Days)

For some, a weekly cheat meal does the trick. Whenever you have a craving during the week, indulge it. The rest of the time, drink some water, eat some veggies and think of your happy place. Allow yourself one meal where anything goes. Is your fix a couple of margaritas with chips and guac? Go wild at your favorite Mexican joint. Is it comfort food? Make a date with your honey for your favorite restaurant and order those French fries sans guilt.

Special Occasions

Personally, I know I'll have a special occasion or two coming up each week. A gal pal’s birthday lunch that turns into an afternoon of too much champagne,  a barbecue where I can't resist a big ol' bowl of chips--that sorta thing. If you allow yourself some slack in social situations, it makes it easier to be disciplined when you're alone. Lets face it: No one wants to be known as the uptight bitch who can't have fun. So chill on your diet when you're canoodling with clients or on a date. Just be a good girl the rest of the week.

A Treat a Day Keeps the Guilt Away

Another option is to allow yourself one small indulgence daily. Continue to plan out your meals, eat your greens and beans but also include a favorite indulgence as your after-dinner treat or mid-morning snack. Base it around when you find yourself most tempted. If you plan for it and have it on hand, the chances are better you won't be as tempted by something even more caloric and fattening.

Saving Your Calories

With so much talk about what to eat, when to eat and how to eat, it's easy to forget the basic weight-gain equation: if you burn less calories than you eat, you'll gain weight. So if you know you want to cheat but you already cheated (this is starting to sound like a soap opera), do some math, honey. That glass of wine before dinner can easily be afforded if you burn an extra 120 calories (or eliminate it from your caloric intake) for the day. Don't abuse the privilege, however. This approach isn't a way to live, but it can help you feel empowered, rather than defeated, when you have a mean craving and don't want to deprive yourself.

Balance, Baby

The important thing to remember is that hungry, deprived girls become ravenous, crazy bitches. And while fit and healthy is the goal, being straight up cuckoo about your weight is not. So enjoy your food--from the healthy fuel your body needs to those mood-boosting indulgences that make your endorphins say hell yeah!

How do you approach cheat days? Tell us in the comments section below!

Cheat Days: Use it or Lose It
Lori Kenyon, Certified Nutrition Coach

Former corporate attorney and master of the loop-hole, in 2010, Lori co-founded the kick-ass raw organic juice company, Ritual Wellness. Lori now spends her time producing a healthy alternative to chemical ridden, nutrient void drinks in the market, and writing to help educate people about healthy food choices.

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