Wednesday, October 31, 2012

"And they all lived happily ever after..."

Monday, October 29, 2012

If you read as many princess stories as I did growing up, then you may have wondered when your great glass slipper moment would arrive. After one divorce and a few futile attempts at finding love, I figured I'd spend this life in hiking boots and try for glass slippers next time around.
Then, it happened.
Mr Happily Ever After appeared. He'd been there for over 5 years, I just hadn't seen him. He says and does and is all the things I dreamed he would be. And even more.

Why Am I Telling You This?

Because believing in my ability to make love work, in spite of previous "failed" attempts takes guts.
Tusting that this time will be different, no matter what happened before, no matter what friends tell me, no matter what statistics say the odds are, feels like a bold and beautiful thing to do.
I am not chained to a history of previous experiences or failures or false starts in love any more than you are chained to your last double cheeseburger and late night  tortilla chip-eating experience.
We are as alive and as passionate and as purpose-filled as we decide to be in THIS moment.
You can dare to believe in love and you can dare to aspire for perfect health. You can dare to think positive in spite of headlines and you can dare to get excited, enthusiastic, hopeful and
And the only person who can ever stop you from doing so, is YOU!
So in the name of glass slippers and great new adventures, if there's some goal, some hope you've had your heart set on, but might not have been reaching for because you felt chained to a story about that past, then let it go.
Wipe your spiritual slate clean and extend an open-armed invitation for the best in life, love, learning, health, hearts and healing to come billowing into your world.
Because if there's anyone out in this great galaxy of good things who deserves to bask in the beauty and celebration of all Life has to offer, it's you!
Happily Ever After,

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