Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Faith is commonly associated with religion, but it is actually very separate.
To have faith, means to have no doubt. More than that, it means to have no
doubt, even though you may not have any concrete proof that what you believe
is true. You believe it as if there were concrete proof already. Because of this, faith is directly tied to trust.

To have faith in a religion, or in another form of spirituality, means to have faith in the world. Knowing that even when things seem to be on a downswing, that they will soon be back on the upswing again.

To have faith in another person, be it a friend, a spouse, or a boyfriend or girlfriend, means that you believe in that person. Faith is the greatest compliment one can give to another. It allows them to be themselves, enables them to feel and express joy and have success. If you watch any awards speech, you will see one thing every single time. The award winner receives applause from the crowd and is the focus of the attention, but he or she always is humbled. He or she always thanks one person who stood by him or her when it was not certain what the outcome would be. One person who believed in him or her and was there to help erase any doubt they had about themselves. From Presidential Acceptance Speeches to Oscar Speeches, the champions always were lifted and humbled by the faith given to them by one it their mother or their spouse.

Having faith in one's self is, then, the greatest gift you can give to yourself. If you know in your heart that the world is a good place, and that your best life is just a matter of navigating through seeming obstacles to get to where you want to go, to achieve what you want to achieve, then you will always be all right. Even if it seems like nothing is working, you will know that if you just keep going, just keep believing in yourself, everything will fall into place.

Walt Disney was fired from the Kansas City Newspaper he worked at for not being creative enough. Tyra Banks was turned down from modeling agencies. Donald Trump has filed bankruptcy four times. J.K. Rowlings couldn't get Harry Potter Published, and it went on to become the bestselling book of this generation besides the Bible. Abraham Lincoln could not seem to win an election no matter what he did. They all kept going. They all believed that they could achieve, and they all did. Even if not the first time, or the fifth, or the 100th,

If you don't believe in yourself, why should anyone else? Believe in yourself, keep going, and sooner or later, the miracles will happen.

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