Thursday, October 25, 2012

One Simple Thing You Can Do In 5 Minutes & Improve Every Single Day

Either you run the day or the day runs you. Jim Rohn
Have you ever noticed how busy life is? We all have so many responsibilities, things that need to be handled, errands that must be run, and issues that have to be resolved. It can really be a lot and often times we end up just running through the day – jumping from one thing to the next.
It’s easy to fall into the trap of feeling pressured or uneasy and let everything you have to do weigh on you. It’s also easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of the day because you are so focused on trying to handle it all.
Well, you know what I realized? These busy days are not going anywhere anytime soon. So, we need a strategy for managing through our days in the best way possible.
And, that’s where the “Time In” comes into play. Instead of jumping from one thing to the next, one of the best things we can do is literally make ourselves stop and take a “Time In” – 5 minutes to just relax, unwind, reflect and refresh.
Although it took thousands of days of doing it totally the wrong way (moving through the day as quickly as possible, feeling a little stressed and like I had way too much to do), I finally realized there is a much better way.
As we move through our days, we are actually supposed to be taking “Time Ins”. During your “Time In,” you take a break from everything that’s going on and let go of it all – any worries or stresses, all the things you’re trying to do, and all the things you still have to do.

Use “Time Ins” to Put Everything Into Perspective

For just five minutes, you give yourself an extra boost of good energy and solely focus on feeling really good. You think about the things that make you smile, reflect on everything you appreciate, and remind yourself of all that you’ve already accomplished.
Our minds have a way of defaulting to the things that are “going wrong” or all the things we still have yet to do. It’s like one of my most favorite quotes explains -
“About 90% of the things in our life are right. Make sure you don’t overlook the 90% that is right because you are focusing on the 10% that isn’t.”   Dale Carnegie 
It’s not that we pretend we don’t have work to do and real issues that need to be resolved. It’s just that as we move through our busy days, we take some time to deliberately stop, inject some light and make sure our good energy is maximized and flowing. It allows you to maintain the best frame of mind and prevents you from getting too sucked into all the things that are going to always be going on around you.

The Possibility of Today:

1. Start Today. Commit to taking a “Time In” every single day. You’ve got to make “Time Ins” a top priority and make sure you don’t allow any days to go by without taking one. When your mind tells you, “I just don’t have the time to take a ‘Time In” right now – remind yourself that you absolutely do have the time. It’s only 5 minutes and it will totally set you up to be at your best and extremely productive for the rest of the day.
2. Plan out Your “Time In”. It’s better to have a plan in advance for how you’re going to spend the 5 minutes. Maybe you like taking quick walks or going outside to get some fresh air or even just sitting down and enjoying 5 minutes of silence and time to yourself. Whatever the case may be, make sure you have an idea of what you’re going to do during your “Time Ins”.
3. Give It A Week. After one week, the benefits will be obvious. You will feel better and you will be in the best position to accomplish whatever is important to you and handle everything you have going on.

Live Today Better Than Yesterday.

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