Tuesday, March 26, 2013

5 Fats That Won't Make You Fat

Posted by Healthy Bitch Daily on Mar 26, 2013
5 Fats That Won't Make You Fat

No, your eyes are not deceiving you 
 that sub-head is the honest truth.

Blame it on the media, or the fact that a macronutrient, fat, shares the same name as your arch enemy, but somehow many people still believe that fat makes you fat. 

No matter where the misconception came from, it’s time to lay it to rest, buttercup. Get friendly with fat.

Fat is a necessary nutrient. Our bodies absolutely need it to survive. We need it to make healthy cells, it’s good for our brains, and it provides us with energy. It's also needed to make hormones and it's the only way we are able to absorb certain vitamins, like A, D, E and K, which are all vital to our health.

Plus, fat is very satisfying, and when you eat fats as part of a meal, they slow down absorption so that you can go longer without feeling hungry.
If that wasn’t enough to get you over your fat-phobia, maybe the benefits of these five fatty foods will:

1. Nuts. Packed with protein, fiber and the “good fats,” nuts will keep you satiated while delivering anti-inflammatory benefits. They are an excellent source of the heart-healthy omega-3 fats. Try walnuts, almonds and pecans as a snack, or sprinkle them on salads or oatmeal. Nut butters are great, too.
2. Seeds. Like nuts, seeds are both high in fat and other health-promoting nutrients. They contain omega-3 fats, fiber and protein, to keep you feeling satisfied and your skin looking beautiful.  Try chia seeds, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds in smoothies, salads, oatmeal or baked goods.
3. Avocado. The fat in avocado will keep you full, your skin supple and your joints flexible. Including avocado in your salad will also help you absorb more of certain vitamins, particularly carotenoids like lycopene and beta-carotene (vitamin A). Try fresh guacamole, or simply slice avocado over a salad or in a sandwich. Adventurous vegans even use it as a creamy base for desserts.
4. Olive oil. This staple of the Mediterranean diet is an excellent source of mono- and poly-unsaturated fats, particularly oleic acid, which protects the heart and in some research has been found to lower cancer risk. Drizzle on salads and vegetables, or use in dips and dressings.
5. Coconut. If being delicious isn’t enough to make you want to eat this tropical treat, perhaps this will: The chemical structure of coconut fat is different than most other fat sources. Instead of being long-chain fatty acids, coconut contains medium-chain fatty acids which are easier for our bodies to break down and use for energy, instead of being stored as fat. Plus, nearly 50 percent of the fat in coconuts is lauric acid, a very unique and special compound that acts as an anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-protozoal in the body.  Buy a whole coconut to drink the water and eat the creamy white meat. The meat can be used in soup and sauces, too, if you can refrain from eating it while making it. Use coconut oil for cooking and sautéing, in dips or sauces, or simply as a spread in place of butter. Coconut oil is a staple in vegan desserts as well.
5 Fats That Won't Make You Fat
Maria Guadagno, Certified Health Coach

Maria is the founder of The Bombshell Blueprint, a 6-month, one-on-one coaching program designed specifically for women to help them achieve ultimate wellness and beauty. Clients receive a personally tailored diet and manageable steps to help them lose weight, get glowing skin, and improve their overall health, for good! Maria is trained in raw and natural food preparation from the Natural Gourmet Institute, and in holistic nutrition from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. So, she loves to explain why you are what you eat. Find her on: Facebook: The Bombshell Blueprint, Twitter: @MariaGuadagno, Blog: www.thebombshelldiet.com

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