Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A Workout for a Flatter Stomach

Nicki Howell started her professional writing career in 2002, specializing in areas such as health, fitness and personal finance. She has been published at health care websites, such as HealthTree, and is a ghostwriter for a variety of small health care organizations. She earned a Bachelor of Science in business administration from Portland State University.
A Workout for a Flatter Stomach 
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An expanding waistline is a common problem. If you struggle with midsection fat accumulation, losing the weight will reduce your risk for serious disease, such as stroke, diabetes and some types of cancer, according to MayoClinic.com. It's not possible to spot reduce your stomach, but you can use cardio activity and strength training to burn fat all over the body, including your midsection. This will help you achieve a flatter stomach.

Exercise Frequency

If you want a flatter stomach, regular workout sessions are important for burning calories and shedding midsection weight. Complete at least 2 1/2 hours of cardio activity weekly, recommends the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This is about 30 minutes, five days a week. You also need a minimum of two strength training sessions weekly that targets your midsection. Discuss your exercise goals with your doctor.
Side Crunch
The side crunch is an exercise that tones the side of your midsection, also called "love handles." Start out in a kneeling position on the floor. Slowly lean your body weight to the right side of the body, placing your right hand on the floor for balance. Extend your left leg to hip height and point your toes. Look over your hand and bring your left side of the rib cage toward the hip. Complete eight to 12 repetitions of this exercise. Then, switch sides and complete eight to 12 repetitions on the other side of the body.

Abdominal Hold

The abdominal hold is an effective exercise for targeting the lower midsection area. Start out in a seated position on a firm chair. Sitting on the edge of the chair, contract your abdominal muscles and raise your feet about 2 inches off the ground. Hold this contraction for five counts and release to your starting position. Continue to repeat the abdominal hold for a minute. As you get stronger, increase your holding time from five seconds to 10 seconds.

Circuit Training

Circuit training is an effective approach for combining your cardio and strength training workouts. During circuit training, you burn 30 percent more calories than a typical weight workout, according to "Fitness" magazine. Start out with a tummy toning exercise, such as the side crunch. Once your repetitions are complete, switch to vigorous activity, such as jumping rope or jogging. Then, rotate back to a midsection toning exercise, such as the abdominal hold. Alternate between strength training and high intensity aerobics for at least 30 minutes.

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/461286-a-workout-for-a-flatter-stomach/#ixzz2I3H3lz8G

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