Tuesday, January 29, 2013

5 Foods To Give You Energy & Balance

Last night I had the opportunity to have dinner with several smart women at one of my favorite healthy places in town. We're all health coaches and it was a great to connect and share tips. 

It was interesting when it came time to order dinner as almost everyone of us ordered the same salad, a winter vegetable mix. It got me thinking about eating in season, and how wonderful it is for your health and soul at this time of the year. 

Here are 5 of my favorite vegetables to include into your daily life that will give you energy and balance.

1. Cauliflower 

It has the ability to help the liver produce enzymes that neutralize potential toxins in the body. Cauliflower is also high in vitamin C; one cup contains almost as much as an orange. Check your favorite health food store as it also comes in several colors, white, purple, light green and orange.

2. Brussels sprouts 

They're everywhere! To tell the truth, I hated these when I was a kid. Now I've found that I love them! Brussels sprouts packed with vitamins A, C, E and are rich in vitamin K and folate. For such a small vegetable they pack a lot of nutrients and little calories.

3. Broccoli 

This is at its best in the cold winter months when frost helps to develop a sweet flavor. The great thing about broccoli is it comes in many forms, broccoflower, broccoli raab and broccoli sprouts. All of these have powerful health promoting nutrients. Broccoli is also good for the heart as it is rich in folic acid.

4. Beets 

Beets contain highly pigmented phyto nutrients which provide amazing anti oxidant protection.  I can’t say enough about the nutrients in this vegetable! The best way to eat them is raw. Juice it, grate it in a salad, pickle them. All fantastic ways to get the most from this little gem.

5. Cabbage 

Aaaah, so many kinds of cabbage to choose from: red, green, savoy, napa, and bok choy. Cabbage is also at its best in the colder months as it develops a sweeter flavor and is crisper. My favorite is red cabbage as it contains twice the vitamin C of green cabbage. Skip the precut halved pieces in the grocery store as they will have lost much of their nutrients.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com
Published January 24, 2013 at 7:02 AM
About Mandy Isbell Mandy Isbell is a Healthy Living Coach who is currently enrolled at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Mandy is inspired to help others to achieve their absolute best through the discovery of health and wellness. She is passionate about inspiring others to find ways to fuel their body mind and spirit with healthy choices. You can reach her at Facebook and by email Mndisbell@yahoo.com.
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