Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Yoga Love

by Guest on October 11, 2012
Katie Urhan of She Rocks Fitness New Jersey

Katie Urhan of She Rocks Fitness New Jersey
I’m so excited that Amanda has let me do a guest post for Grow Soul Beautiful this week! With the “October Yoga Challenge” fully underway, what better way to talk about my PASSION for yoga. It’s amazing how yoga has impacted my life personally, professionally, and physically. I try to practice 2-3 times a week, but lately I’ve been visiting the studio 4 times a week. I know that may seem like a lot, but yoga is what my body has been craving and enjoying these past few months.

As a personal trainer, I am constantly giving to my clients and to my brand. When I take a yoga class, I am no longer the “giver”, but the “receiver” and this is what both my mind and body need. It’s my time to focus on ME. So when the weeks are busy, yoga allows me to center myself, keep calm, and find the balance in my crazy schedule.  Which leads me into my topic that I wanted to share with all of you and my decision to not teach yoga even though I went through yoga teacher training.

Katie Urhan of She Rocks Fitness New Jersey
When I signed up with the Tillai University at Om Time in Denver, CO almost 4 years ago, I had just been laid off from my corporate job, was making a huge career change, and also going through a bad relationship. Let’s just say there was a LOT going on, both good and not so good. I decided to take the program, because at the time my plan was to get certified in Personal Training and Yoga, so that I could start my own business that would specialize in both. I thought I had it all figured out, until I entered that yoga room on the first day of orientation.
The teachers, the students, the curriculum, and the overall environment was something very new to me, and I even felt a little bit out of my comfort zone. It was a 200-hour teacher training that included long weekends, exhausting practices, intense speakers, and a lot of soul searching. As I looked around the room that first night we all got together, I knew that this was going to be an experience I would never forget, and that it was not going to be easy. I actually left that first night questioning whether or not I had made the right decision to take on this challenge. But that is one of the thousands of reasons why I LOVE yoga. It helps you face your fears, those uncomfortable moments, find your inner strength, and push your emotional and physical boundaries.

Katie Urhan of She Rocks Fitness New JerseyI was not only learning about yoga, but I was also learning life lessons. So it was probably pretty early on through the teacher training that I knew that this experience was more about ME, rather than teaching. I started to learn about who I was; what I was scared of; what I wanted out of myself and my relationships; and what I needed to change to make myself a better person. Teacher training became therapy for me and I soaked it all in. I was getting stronger physically and emotionally. I started to learn to express myself, show my emotions, stand up for myself, and stand up for what I wanted and believed. Do you know how awesome this feeling was? It was pretty spectacular!

This was a powerful group of women, who I got to know very well. I haven’t kept in touch with all of them, but I still follow what they do, talk to a few, and still brag about my teacher Shannon, because she was a yoga goddess. Yoga teacher training was NOT easy. I definitely was so sore, beyond exhausted, and even cried my eyes out. But in the end, it was worth every single second. I was able to find myself, get out of my relationship, start my own personal training business, and discover a new passion and understanding for yoga.
A lot of clients and friends ask me if I will ever teach yoga? I’m not sure if I ever will. I am 100% okay with not teaching, but if I get the calling, I will do it. But for right now, yoga is ME time and I LOVE IT!
Katie Urhan of She Rocks Fitness New Jersey
Katie Uhran is a yogi, runner, cyclist, strength trainer, healthy chef, and dog lover, who lives life to the fullest! She is owner of She Rocks Fitness, which specializes in personal training, boot camps, and on-line training. Whether you are a New Mom, a Bride to Be, the woman who wants to train for her first 5k, or loose those annoying 10 lbs, Katie will help you achieve these goals. She Rocks Fitness is about training hard, eating well, but still being able to enjoy life and have fun! You can find her on FacebookTwitterPinterest, and e-mail at:

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