Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Juice on Suja

Posted by Healthy Bitch Daily on Oct 30, 2012

Talkin' with the creator of Suja, a fresh and delish veggie/fruit juice company

The Juice on Suja

Today's post is courtesy of Lauryn Evarts. Check out her blog, The Skinny Confidential, for more great fitness, diet and beauty tips!

Quite frankly, I’m leaving my man because I am in love with Suja.

Since discovering the product, I’ve been chugging them on the reg. And for all of you who are annoyed with the idea of a juice cleanse because you don’t have the time or patience (like me) to actually buy the ingredients and then juice them at home? Fab news: Suja does a pre-made, 3-day juice cleanse that is insane! In fact, it’s so amaze that I’ll be completing it after the holidays. Who’s with me?!

Ok, so let me introduce you to the goddess of organic juice, Annie Lawless…

Give us all the deets on Suja. 

The word Suja means “long, beautiful life” in ancient Hindu, and Suja juices facilitate a lifestyle that encompass that meaning. Our raw, organic, local, and cold-pressed juices are available à la carte, as a cleanse, or as a monthly home delivery package. They are extremely nutritious and promote looking, feeling, and performing your best!

Why is it different from other juices on the market?

Suja juices are 100% organic, never heated (raw), non-GMO and cold-pressed. Our processes preserve all of the vital enzymes, vitamins and minerals, making Suja the most nutrient dense beverage available.

Let’s talk cold-pressing…why is it better than using regular juicers?

Cold-pressing is a two-step process that grinds the produce and presses it with a hydraulic press. This is done at a very low temperature, preventing nutrient loss through heat & oxidation. This method also yields more juice from the produce we use.

Aren’t you supposed to drink juice immediately after it’s made?

Yes, you are. Nutrient loss begins as soon as the juice is exposed to oxygen and light. That’s why we immediately bring our juice to a very cold temperature and employ a method called HPP, or high pressure pascalization. This method applies large amounts of pressure to the bottles with zero heat, pushing all oxygen out of the bottles while killing any pathogenic activity that may be inside. This effectively "pasteurizes" the product while keeping it raw and preserving all of the vital nutrition. It also extends the shelf life, so you can buy Suja juice and consume it up to three weeks after press while receiving the same amount of nutrition as if it were just juiced.

Do I have to drink only juice on a cleanse?

Definitely not! We recommend consuming enough nutrition to support your lifestyle and make your "cleanse" sustainable. The purpose of a cleanse is to give your body a break, eliminate toxins and reset bad habits you may have fallen into. You can do all of this while still consuming food. When you do a Suja cleanse, we offer recommendations like raw fruits/vegetables, avocado and a steamed sweet potato that will sustain you while still helping you reach your goals.

Benefits to including juice in your daily life when you’re not cleansing?

Where do I start? Drinking fresh, raw, organic juices can help support a number of processes in the body while providing a concentrated source of many nutrients. This manifests in more energy, increased concentration, better moods and less inflammation, to name a few things. Juices are extremely hydrating to the hair, skin and nails, leaving you feeling lighter and brighter with every sip!

How did Suja start?

Suja started from a shared lifelong passion for health, wellness and nutrition. Eric and I met in San Diego last year at a yoga studio over a conversation about our love for the cold-press. We had both been interested in the correlation between nutrition and health since childhood. I dealt with a skin disorder (eczema) for years and saw it clear up when I altered my diet and lifestyle. Eric had a background as a natural and raw foods chef. We quickly realized we needed to collaborate and share this passion with others. Before we knew it, people were going crazy for our delicious blends!

Where is Suja made, and where the heck can we find it?!

All of our juices are made locally in San Diego using Southern California-grown produce. Suja is currently sold in Whole Foods Markets and Jimbo’s stores throughout Southern California, as well as online for home delivery.

Tips for detoxing quickly after an indulgent weekend?

We all have them, so my first tip is to avoid toxic thinking and being hard on yourself. Appreciate the good time you had being less vigilant about your regimen, and focus on making the next decision a healthy one. I like to wake up and get a good gym session or beach run in! This gets my blood pumping and makes me feel alert. Then, I like to hop in an infrared sauna and sweat out the gunk. Throughout the next couple days, I focus on hydrating, hydrating, hydrating! I consume ample amounts of green juices and green veggies. I try to stay away from heavier foods like animal proteins, dairy and grains while focusing on fruits, salads, avocados, coconut and sprouted nuts/seeds. Before I know it, I am back in my groove and feeling fantastic.

Go-to healthy eats?

My favorite meal of all time is kale salad with a whole avocado, cherry tomatoes, red onion and dulse. I consume this at least five times a week! I also love dark chocolate for its antioxidants and its pleasure factor, and yerba mate tea for its kick! Oh, did I mention Suja juices? I like to have 2-3 per day first thing in the morning and between meals to curb my hunger and keep me hydrated.

Note: Contact about shipping rates outside of San Diego and Orange County before placing orders.

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