Friday, October 26, 2012

Morning, Firecracker!

While I may appear to be mild mannered, cheerful and generally positive, dear monica, there are a few subjects that get my inner redhead rumbling and one of them is the "you are what you eat" mentality that keeps way too many otherwise potent and powerful and positive people tied up in knots worrying about the size of their thighs and the bulge of their butts and the nutritional value of their midnight snacks.
Weight "Watching" Won't Work
"Life" is humongous.
It is cosmic in proportion and infinite in her endurance and perseverance. Any organization or person who tries to tell you that you "are" what you eat, how you look, how much you weigh, how "moody" you feel or any other preposterous proposition needs to be left alone in a forest for a few hours overnight to make peace with the Powers That Be.
You can step on scales, count calories and pinch inches until the end of your days and it will NEVER EVER EVER make you a more alive, engaged, inspired person. In fact, chances are pretty good it won't even help you improve the physical condition of your body for longer than a quick rebound and roller coaster!
When you, an infinitely powerful, outrageously brilliant, gorgeously engaged being starts putting a whole bunch of life-giving attention onto something as trivial as the width of your hips, then Life gets smaller, stuck in rut and starts to suffer.
So What's Life All About?
Life isn't about pinched inches and a low-calorie lifestyle. It's about the degree to which YOU (as the cosmic rockstar you are) make things happen--how you love and live passionately in the pursuit of the things that are important to you. It's about how you pick yourself up when you're down and how you overcome obstacles that stand in your path to achieving great things for yourself.
It's how you believe in hope, love and the pursuit of happiness in spite of what the headlines tell you is "true" out there. As far as I'm concerned, what's "true" is what's true for YOU!
From where you stand at the centre of an infinite number of possibilities life can look pretty fan-freakin'-tastic! But to see it, you've got to be willing step off the scale and step away from the obsessive pursuit of an "ideal" body size and physical appearance. The beautiful truth is that doing so is actually and factually the very best way to improve your physical health and appearance in the first place.
The thing that makes you a magnet, a head-turning hottie pants is WHO you are and HOW you light up with Life inside you! When you are lit up and passionate about who you are, what you do and how you live, then making great choices about what to eat and how to move happens effortlessly.
That's Why I Did Something About It
That's why I created Body Enlightenment. I wanted to prove that by decluttering your home and creating a space you love and that inspires you, you'll start eating better and feeling better and taking better care of yourself.
I wanted to prove that by investing a bit of time in your natural beauty routine, you'll start to feel more loved and be more loveable and the worry-wrinkles and excess weight you've been holding on to will melt away.
And, as predicted, I was right. Thousands of inspired and healthy and happy women are living proof that my theory worked!
You don't need to lose weight to feel great. THAT is the lie that needs to be busted in order for you to get your life back and start feeling like the cosmic rockstar you really are. You need to feel great to lose weight.
On November 4th we'll be kicking off a 30-Day Clean & Green Your Home program designed to help you create an oasis in your own home--a place you thrive and feel inspired to live in. Doing so, will have tremendous ripple effects into every aspect of your life and well-being. Registrations will be closing soon, so if you're interested in joining us, please take a look and see if this program might be the thing you've been looking for.
In the meantime, leave the inch rulers to the carpenter, the scales to the fish and the calorie counting to those who can't see stars, sunsets, smiling faces and other life-giving things worth taking inventory on instead.
May your path be paved with pleasurable moments of living the life you love. You're certainly deserving of nothing less than everything you've ever dreamed possible for yourself. So, now would be a great time to start living it.
Yours in admiration,

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