Monday, September 23, 2013

Svadhistana Chakra (Sacral Chakra)

The Chakra System: Svadhistana Chakra (Sacral Chakra)

sacral chakra
Meaning: Sweetness
Location: Lower abdomen to navel area
Anatomy: Reproductive organs and glands; lymphatic system; deep muscles in pelvis; iliopsoas; piriformis; gluteal muscles
Element: Water
Association: Emotions, sexuality
Color: Orange
Sense: Taste
Energy connection to the physical body: Sexual organs, large intestine, lower vertebrae, pelvis, hip area, appendix and bladder
Energy connection to the emotional/mental body: Resonates our need for relationships with other people and our need to control to some extend the dynamics of our physical environment
Symbolic/perceptual connection: The energy in this chakra enables us to generate a sense of personal identity and protective psychological boundaries
Primary fears: Fears of loss of control, or being controlled by another
Primary strengths: The ability and stamina to survive financially and physically on one’s own and to defend and protect oneself; the fight or flight instinct; the ability to take risks; the resilience to recover from loss
Imagery: Moon/lunar energy; ocean; flow of water
Affirmations: I surrender and flow with ease in my  life; It is safe to express my creativity and passion; I am worthy of receiving abundance & prosperity; I trust in the process of life
Bija: VAM (upper teeth on lower lip, pulling back closing lips for MMM vibration)

  • Place your left hand underneath your right
  • Touch the tips of your thumbs
  • Concentrate on the sacral chakra at the sacral bone (lower back)
  • Chant Vam
Yoga Poses: Hip Openers like Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle) & Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (Pigeon); Sun Salutations as they create a fluid moving practice
It is in the second chakra that we begin to explore our emotions, sexuality, pleasure, and abundance. The second chakra provides the fertile ground for us to seed our deepest desires, get in touch with our passions, and express our creativity. The first chakra provides the stability and security we need to explore our emotions. With our fundamental needs being met in the first chakra (ideally:), we can now turn towards pleasure and our well-being in the second. . According to Ambika Wauters, “how much pleasure we allow ourselves is an indication of how we value ourselves and how connected we are to our core… When we allow pleasure into our lives it helps us feel good about ourselves.” Symbolically we move from the dense thick earth towards the more fluid movement of water and encounter the concept of change.
The greatest challenges in working with the second chakra include an inability to process emotions and a fear of change. These could be brought with us from our childhood. If we were taught to “suck it up” or not to express emotions or if change is overwhelming to us, we need to visit the second chakra. Learning how to let go and flow is an essential component to the second chakra. Being able to set healthy boundaries and express our needs is a positive way to get in touch with our emotions.
Some questions you can begin to ask yourself: What is my work to play ratio? What kinds of things do I like to do for pleasure? How often do I do them? Do I believe I am a creative person? Why or why not? Do I take care of myself on a regular basis (eating good foods, exercise, getting enough rest, etc.)?
Incorporating the Sacral Chakra into Our Daily Life
  • Learn to work through your emotions (I believe everyone should have the name of a good therapist!)
  • Spend one hour per week doing something creative (Make prayer flags, a vision book/board, paint, sign up for a pottery class)
  • Create healthy boundaries
  • Do one thing per week just for you, just for pleasures sake (Take a bubble bath, purchase that gorgeous scarf you’ve wanted but feel it’s too indulgent, take yourself to the movies or a play)
  • Tap into your sexuality (Find a local store that sells chocolate sauces, games, toys and give yourself permission to play)
  • Buy something orange (An article of clothing, a home accent, a garden gnome)
  • Start a bucket list and pick one big thing to do each year

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