Thursday, September 26, 2013

Nutritious Nectarines

With a substantial amount of Vitamin C to help with the immune and cardiovascular systems, nectarines also throw in a huge amount of Potassium as well. They are a great food to help with decreasing stress, blood pressure and high blood sugar.
How to Choose and Keep
The fruit is very susceptible to brown rot or dark reddish spots, so it is best to take extra care with the handling. Nectarines are almost the exact same fruit as peaches without the fuzz, so take your pick with which fruit you like best. My fav is nectarines. I feel they are able to withstand more "wear and tear" and don't bruise as easily. They are ripe when they feel a bit soft, and are best stored in the fridge for 3 days once they are ripe. To speed up the ripeness you can place them in a brown paper bag. They are highly perishable, and typically should be consumed or canned within two weeks of harvest.
Nectarines are a great food to freeze if they start to over ripen. They can be used in water or smoothies. Enjoy them when they are ripe are a wonderful snack on a hot day. Make sure to wash the outside thoroughly and purchase organic as much as possible, as peaches soak up a high amount of pesticides. 
Vitamin A, Folate, Vitamin C, Iron, and Potassium 
Actions Steps
1. Purchase some ripe organic peaches and enjoy as a wonderful snack.
2. If the peach begin to over ripen slice up and place in the freezer for a delicious smoothie.
3. Create some delicious peach cobbler, using gluten free flour and stevia or agave nectar as sugar substitute to make a healthier version of a wonderful dessert.

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