Thursday, November 15, 2012

Nourish Your Body

 When you think of nourishing your body, what do you think of? Nutritious healthy food, a variety of exercise, fresh air, and rest? All of those things are great for the body, but what, when, and how often can be the puzzles that prevent many people from nourishing themselves fully. By connecting more deeply to your body and listening to its subtle signs you can give your body exactly what it needs.
 Our bodies are miraculous creations. We don’t have to tell them to breath, pump blood, regulate chemicals and hormones, regenerate cells and the other numerous things our bodies do to keep us alive. Our bodies have a wisdom of their own. It’s when we don’t listen to what our bodies are telling us and we don’t give them what they need that our health starts to fail. And then we need to go to outside sources like doctors, or diet and exercise books in order to discover how to regain our equilibrium.
 By learning to communicate with our bodies we can give them all the nourishment they require in order to be vibrant and healthy. Turning inward and sensing through feelings, images, or words can tell you a lot. Like when it’s time to take a break from the computer and do something physical (before the headache sets in), or when that urge to eat something sweet and doughy hits, asking yourself whether you’re really hungry or perhaps just thirsty, or maybe you need some emotional nourishment like a hug. What about when you’re feeling tense and agitated at your desk, your body might be asking you to stretch a little. It’s amazing how good it can feel to take 5 minutes of your time to stretch out your legs, arms and back. Whatever it is that you need, your body will let you know. Often there is no need to analyze or figure it out. Just closing your eyes for a few seconds and sensing what the body wants will give you your answer.
 A good way to start is to check in with yourself several times throughout the day. Notice what emotion you are feeling. See if your body feels tight as if you are holding or tensing muscles, and just relax them. Check your breathing; are you breathing fully or just taking in enough air to stay conscious? Full breathing is a great way to relax or rejuvenate yourself. Is it time for a snack, and if so, what does your body really want to eat? Does your body want some exercise, and if so, does it want something vigorous like an aerobic workout, something strengthening like lifting weights, or something soothing like yoga? Perhaps your mind needs to settle down and your body wants you to get out into nature where you can feel more grounded. Listen to what your body really wants and let it guide you to your highest state of wellness.
 After a few weeks of checking in with your body regularly, you will begin to know what your body needs without having to ask it. You will have developed a close relationship with your body and will be naturally giving it the nourishment it truly deserves.

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