Thursday, August 30, 2012

Mean, Green Juice Machine

Wondering what's up with people drinking salad in a glass? Here are some reasons to hop on the green juice train

Mean, Green Juice Machine

You rock the Vitamix like nobody's damn business. 

And while fruit smoothies are bitchworthy in their own right, you can take it to the next level by going green—with juice, that is.

If your stomach turns at the thought of dirt in a glass, you're not alone. But a bottle a day will not only help keep the doctor away, it will also keep you looking svelte and sexy. Just one 16-ounce bottle of high-quality, organic green juice is so nutrient-dense that it contains all five of your daily recommended servings of fruits and veggies.

Everyone from Dr. Oz and Gwyneth Paltrow to Oprah and Fergie are touting the benefits of green juice. But will it un-trend like Ugg boots, or is it here to stay?

Hello, healthy

Mean, Green Juice Machine
A good greens juice is rich in vitamins, nutrients and enzymes, which are essential to your body’s ability to fight disease. A glass every morning will help give your immune system a boost. While we could go on for days about the health benefits, here are a few:

Alkalinity. If you read "Skinny Bitch," you know that keeping your body alkaline is super important for not only your health, but also for weight loss and glowing skin. Green juice helps almost immediately alkalize your system.

Elimination. As with any sort of liquid nutrition, green juice helps you "go" (and stay regular), since it sweeps out toxic crap from your bod and gives your digestive system a break.

Disease Protection. The nutrients in fresh juice have all kinds of free-radical-fighting, cancer-preventing, age-defying compounds. Remember, when your body is alkaline, it literally stops disease in its tracks.

Curbs Appetite. Green juice is killer at helping to control appetite. Why? When your body is actually getting the nutrients it needs, you're no longer getting crazy cravings for sugar, salt and other junk.

Diet Diversity. Admit it—there are veggies you just don't cook with or eat out of habit. Since having diversity in your diet is an important part of weight control and overall health, chugging some green juice is a great way to soak up nutrients you might not otherwise get.

Beauty Booster

Just as all bodily functions require enzymes, so does the repair of skin cells. As we age, we naturally produce fewer enzymes, requiring us to take in more from our food if we want to avoid looking like those leathery bag ladies who roam around city streets. Only live foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains will give us these important anti-aging powerhouses. Without them, outer beauty suffers because our cells can't repair themselves, so hello premature wrinkles.

Green Juice Recipe

Mean, Green Juice Machine
Even you take-out queens are capable of whipping up your own healthy green smoothie. And while it's not the same thing as juice—you need either a juicer or a local juice bar to get fresh-pressed green juice—give it a whirl to get the same awesome nutrient benefits. If you want to try your own recipe, keep the ratio of green veggies to other veggies/fruit approximately 60/40. Choose produce you love and start experimenting.

What You Need

2 cups spinach
1 large cucumber
5 stalks celery
2 granny smith apples
1 bunch of parsley
Juice of one lime

How to Make It

Combine all ingredients in blender. Enjoy immediately!

Questions about green juice? Ask in the comments section below!

Mean, Green Juice Machine
Lori Kenyon, Certified Nutrition Coach

Former corporate attorney and master of the loop-hole, in 2010, Lori co-founded the kick-ass raw organic juice company, Ritual Wellness. Lori now spends her time producing a healthy alternative to chemical ridden, nutrient void drinks in the market, and writing to help educate people about healthy food choices.

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