Monday, June 24, 2013

Pre-Workout Eats

 June 24, 2013


Pre-Workout Eats

Foods that will fuel your workout without weighing you down

It’s 6 a.m. and you’re at the gym with nothing in your belly but a cup of coffee.
Best to start with a zero balance to burn more, right?
Honey, going to the gym without eating is like competing on "Dancing With the Stars" without a spray tan. Like applying for a job without a resume. Like going on a third date with hairy legs and granny panties. It’s just plain negligent.
In order to maximize your workout, you must be properly fueled. We're not saying you need to hit the breakfast buffet hard before a round on the treadmill, but something in your belly is better than nothing. Nourish your bod and you’ll get more out of your fitness regimen - including a boost in your metabolism and energy. Bottom line, girl-who-thinks-espresso-is-protein, eating the right foods will get you faster results. For reals? For real.
Here are a few tips to get your wheels turning and your body burning before you start to sweat:
Pass on the protein bars. Protein bars are often intended as full meal replacements but most of us see them as a snack. Here's a big, fat FYI - these bars are usually packed with calories, preservatives and refined sugars. So if you are really in a pinch, read the labels carefully and choose a bar with organic ingredients. Soy Joy18 Rabbits and Larabar offer great choices.
Remember your A, B and C’s. Almond Butter and Celery. This is how we do our ABCs. This combo is one of the best pre-gym power snacks. It packs a punch of protein, fiber, healthy fat and nutrients (including vitamin A and calcium). This low-calorie snack will fill you up without weighing you down. The fat and protein give a “slow-release” energy which will sustain you throughout your sesh.

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