Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Are You Drinking Your Sugar?

There are so many ways people consume large amounts of sugar (meaning fructose) and the number one way we do this is from our beverages: basically we are drinking sugar. 
Drinks such as soda, sweetened tea and coffee, fruit juices and energy drinks are huge contributors to poor health and research shows a slight shift in some studies that consumptions of sugary drinks may increase your risk of Type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.
The problem with sugary drinks is that it doesn’t stop you from eating other foods; for example if you are at the cinema you may indulge in a large soda and a large popcorn. You will happily drink your whole drink and then also eat your large popcorn, both contain a lot of calories and excess sugar. If you were to eat only the popcorn, you would be just as full (albeit thirsty!) but you would not have had as much sugar.
The fastest way to begin managing your sugar intake is to simply stop drinking sugar. 
Stop adding sugar to your tea and coffee, avoid all soda beverages unless it is plain sparkling water.
Stop drinking energy drinks or sports drinks (unless you are a professional athlete and have been advised by your nutritionist).
Water should be your number one beverage choice and if you decide to drink tea and coffee, don’t add any sweeteners or flavors to your drink. By removing the added sugar in your beverages, you can focus your attention on the harder things like changing your diet to include whole foods and reducing the amount of processed foods. By continuing to drink sugar, you're never really able to give up sugar and give your new lifestyle a proper try.
There are so many reasons to avoid drinking sugar but my favorites are:
1. It's better for your dental health. 
It is expensive to constantly be visiting your dentist for check ups and to have teeth repaired. Avoid the sugar in drinks and you will cut back on the dental appointments!
2. You'll prevent weight gain. 
If you are concerned about your weight and want to lose a few pounds, then you can easily cut the sugary drinks for a big reduction in calories. The diet drinks have fewer calories, but you're still feeding the sweet tooth, which may encourage you to eat too much food or even binge!
3. It's better for your mental health. 
Sugar and artificial sugars in large doses (and we all know soda is a large dose!) is never beneficial for a persons’ mental health. Sugar affects how you deal with emotions, how you perceive situations and even how you function and sleep. Kick it to the curb for your own peace of mind!
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com
Published January 22, 2013 at 5:53 AM
About Kate Harris Kate Harris is an ambassador for living a clean and healthy lifestyle. I quit sugar  and have never looked back! Feeling better than ever before I believe happiness is eating good food, cooking from the heart and sharing laughs!
Connect with Kate Harris:

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