Monday, September 17, 2012


Massive Attack on GMO Labeling Proposal in California

Massive Attack on GMO Labeling Proposal in California
Photo Courtesy of:  Hemera / Thinkstock
Just how much is it worth to chemical giants like Monsanto to make Proposition 37, a bill that would require labeling of genetically engineered food, go away?
Enough to contribute $4.2 million so far to a campaign to defeat it, that’s how much.
Monsanto’s not the only major chemical company hoping to defeat this measure. DuPont ($1.27 million) and Dow Agro ($1.18 million) are contributing millions to fight our right to know what’s in the food we eat.
Why Are You Being Kept in the Dark About What’s in Your Food?
Monsanto is the acknowledged leader responsible for the genetic changes in our food system – the mother of agriculture biotechnology and creator of other products that have included Agent Orange (1), PCBs (2), DDT (3), Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH) and aspartame (4).
How Monsanto became such a ringmaster is crucial to understanding why Americans are not allowed to know if their food has been genetically engineered by simple labeling, as 50 countries around the world do, including Russia, China and the entire EU.
So why are Americans kept in the dark?
Monsanto is not just an expert in manipulating genetic structures, they are also experts in manipulating people.
Monsanto influenced President Ronald Reagan’s administration back in 1986 to ensure genetic engineering would be kept away from the public forum. Monsanto’s power has been further enhanced through each administration, adding more influence with each federal appointment.
Even in the past year, Monsanto has directly supported at least 65 candidates for federal office in the 2012 elections, with significant dollars “donated” to the chairs and leadership of the House and Senate Ag Committee

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